Why We Gamified Theratrak: Making Therapy Feedback Fun with Journals, Badges & Theramates

In one of our recent and most biggest updates so far, we completely redesigned and relaunched the Participant App 3.0.

We completely simplified the app, added rewards, and introduced our first Theramate - Kelly the Koala. Kelly and future Theramates will act as a friendly supporter. Kelly cheers participants on and awards badges for their consistent home therapy practice.

So why did we gamify Theratrak?

Since the beginning, Theratrak has been co-created with our clinician users and our participant users.

We gamified Theratrak because of feedback from therapists and participants.

We wanted to create an easy and accessible way to view and track progress.

What we also learned in the process was:

Home programs needed to be *fun* - just like a therapy session.

Therapist told us that when kids were having more fun in therapy, they were more motivated to reach their goals.

When therapy is generally fun, that overrides the feeling that the activities are hard.

Part of the reason our participants have so much fun and are so engaged in therapy sessions, is because they build positive relationships with their therapists.

We spent a lot of time making sure we got this right for our users.

We tested different ideas and the below product updates are what we created to make Theratrak even better.

Feedback from Theratrak users: The interface has to be simple!

New Home Screen

We introduced a new home screen that makes it easier to switch between therapy accounts, and participant accounts and tick activities off quickly from the home screen.

This means that a parent can see all of their therapy activities easily from the home screen and switch between their child’s accounts easily as needed.

The menu for the Participant App screen has been updated to include links so that participants can easily access their program progress over time. This will allow participants to track the completion rates of their programs.


The activities page also had a face-lift. You told us you wanted to see stats on how you were going so we added some more statistics so you can track your progress.

Detailed Real-Time Feedback Journal

You also told us that feedback isn’t always linear and that you wanted a way to give more detailed and qualitative feedback about progress to your therapist. Now, this was a tricky one because as therapists we love this feedback, but we are also tackling the challenge of time.

We all know our therapists are extremely busy but this is crucial information. So we created the journal. This is a way for participants, carers and support workers to provide information about the therapy journey.

Therapy teams have access to this data, they can view it before sessions or work with participants in sessions to go through the information.

Real-time Data

We know that the best feedback is given in real-time and sometimes it’s hard to remember what happened during the week, or that moment in the classroom that only ever happens when no one else is there. Now you can capture feedback, a therapist can review it and support everyone to build capacity and independence over time.

Quantitative Feedback

We still have our quantitative feedback form that enables you to capture data and then track progress against time with therapy goals. We think this will be really helpful for you long term, see your progress and may even help with some of those pesky reports that we know everyone loves

Two Types of Badges: Engagement & Skills

“I wonder how many stars you can get in a 4-week period?”

There are 2 ways you can earn badges in Theratrak:

1. Engagement - engage with the platform / do your therapy homework!

Log in, send your therapist feedback and tick activities off. You will notice you will earn engagement badges. Keep an eye out for what they are and if you are a parent or carer, we think the phrases might be an awesome way to add some more positivity to your child’s day!

2. Skills!

We all know that we have goals in therapy, and they are generally based on skills that we are practising. Now every time you complete your programs you will level up your skills badges.

  • Practice something for one week you will be level 1 bronze.

  • Practice a skill for 12 and you will earn platinum.

Keep an eye out for these platinum badges! We are creating something super special for these in the future. How many will you earn?

Our First Theramate

And then finally who can forget Kelly!

We are super excited to introduce - Kelly, Theratrak’s first Theramate!

Kelly is our new superpower and super-buddy that will go with participants on their therapy journey.

Theramates will be support participants every step of the way cheering them on and supporting them to reach their therapy goals!


Theratrak has had a co-design approach to product development, and we’ve made sure these updates have the support from the latest behavioural science.

We’ve been working closely with all types of allied health therapists (occupational therapists, physical therapists, speech pathologists, psychologists) and early intervention specialists, as well as kids, parents, carers, and adults with disabilities to make sure they’re excited about using this new version of Theratrak’s participant app.

Read more about the Participant App update.

Learn what it’s like for therapists to use Theratrak.